La Fotoserica s.r.l, a textile company from Como, celebrates 60 years of activity in 2021. A long journey through printing on fabrics, finished products and silk on its birthday in 2021, celebrating 60 years of activity.
In 2021 La Fotoserica celebrated 60 years of activity in the fashion-textile world, during which we consolidated our presence on the Italian market and which saw us grow on international markets, making us appreciate all of our work and our excellent textile products all Made in Italy.
The history of the textile company La Fotoserica: a 60-year journey
They have been 60 intense years, of a journey that sees the Peverelli family as the protagonist, during which the founder Fausto Peverelli faced with his sons Davide, Maria Cristina and Andrea a journey that saw them engaged in the growth and innovation of the textile sector.
La Fotoserica is undoubtedly one of the textile companies in the Como area to have made the history of the silk district.
Starting from the photoengraving of screen printing, Fausto Peverelli and his children have been committed to innovating year by year, even opening an entire department for digital printing.
They have been 60 years of dedication and strong vocation during which La Fotoserica has achieved the objectives it had set itself and has grown together with the needs of the textile market.
We think that the winning element in all these years has been that of having offered a wide range of services starting from the engraving of the screens to then arrive at digital printing and continue offering our customers also the finished product such as: scarves, foulards, ties, bow ties and all fashion accessories for men and women.
The increasingly advanced fabric printing techniques developed over the years have allowed us to have high quality and competitiveness in the textile sector and are in fact considered our "corporate assets", as a complete and efficient service to the final customer.
A sincere thanks to our customers for the trust they have placed in us, with the hope of always improving, and to our suppliers, indispensable partners in achieving our goals.
We consider this anniversary as a stage of the journey undertaken. With tenacity and passion we still have many projects to carry out.